Student-Only Materials for
Simply Amazing Baravelle Spirals

Please open, read and print these files. Some of them are password-protected. Passwords are sent to enrolled students by email. 

Materials List

Baravelle Spirals In-Class Materials

Baravelle Spirals Web Page 

(Password: BaraSpi32820)

Facebook Group

Recordings of previous classes

Recordings are currently available on the Facebook page. The recordings will be posted here soon.

Related products 

These items are either on the Materials list are recommended or required for the class.  Enroll for the class here on this site, then use these links to purchase these items  on the teacher's or the host store's website. 
Simply Amazing Spiral Quilts book
Add-a-Quarter Ruler
Add-an-Eighth Ruler
Seam Roller
Translucent Foundation Sheets

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