Online Classes


If you have purchased one of my recorded classes and want to log in to watch it,
please click here to go to where the classes are hosted.
Classes are not hosted on this website, so your store login will not take you to the class. 
If you are taking a live online class, the login information was sent to you in an email.

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Hey, friends -- are you thinking about taking a live online class? Here are a bunch of reasons why I love them!

1)You don't have to travel -- you can take a class from a teacher no matter where you live or where the teacher is teaching. (And at the price of gas . . .)
2) You have a set date for the class so you won't procrastinate! (And, you're less likely to "drop out.")
3) You get to learn on your own sewing machine, in the quiet and comfort of your own space.
4) You get live, personal feedback just like in a classroom. You can ask questions and get relevant, immediate answers.
5) You can hear and see feedback given to every other student - something you can't do in a classroom.
6) The recording of the class is available for a while after class - something that never happens with an in-person class.

Contrast that with hauling your sewing machine and all your gear to class (and forgetting something essential, like a power cord or foot pedal!), or working on a sewing machine that's unfamiliar to you, sitting on a chair that's too low, having distractions all around you, not being able to see everything the teacher is doing, and then going home and forgetting half of what you learned.

Some of the classes listed here are live and some are recorded. The title and description will tell you which are which.
Live classes will have dates and times listed. I hope you'll join me! Recorded classes are delivered as streaming online videos and you access never expires. Some classes are also available in DVD format.


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