When you enroll in your class, you will receive a Welcome Letter than includes instructions for logging into your class, including the Zoom Meeting ID and the Password. We will send this information again on the day before the class.
Log in on your computer or your cell phone or both. If you use both, turn off the audio on one device or the other to avoid a sound feedback loop.
Go to Zoom.us
Click "Join a Meeting"
Type in the Meeting ID
Type in the Password
Follow instructions to start audio and video.
You're in!
Download and install the Zoom Cloud Meetings app from Google Play or the App Store.
Open the Zoom app
Click "Join a Meeting"
Type in the Meeting ID
Type in the Password
Follow instructions to start audio and video.
You're in!
The moderator will open the meeting 30 minutes before it begins in order to give you time to set up. Please arrive early so you have time to make adjustments and to learn a few simple procedures that we will use in the meeting.
If you log in after the start of the meeting you will be able to enter, but if you need help we cannot interrupt the meeting to give you individual help at that point.
Find the Control Bar on a computer by floating the cursor toward the bottom of the screen (on a computer) or the top of the screen (on an iPad). The control bar will appear. Click on the Participants button to open a list of participants. On a cell phone, look for three dots at the bottom of the screen, or simply touch the black area.
Find the Gallery view / Speaker view toggle switch (usually in the upper RH corner). Watch the class in Speaker view so you can see the teacher in full screen.
In the cell phone app, the main screen shows you in a corner, and the person speaking in center of screen. There are 3 dots at the bottom of this screen. Swipe from R to L gives you a screen showing multiple participants. A green box shows who is talking. Swipe from L to R puts the phone in “safe driving” mode: no video, listening to audio only, talking is muted.
Mute / Unmute: For our meetings, the Moderator will “Mute All” during demonstrations. You can also mute and unmute yourself using the microphone icon next to your name in the Participants panel or in the lower left hand corner of the computer screen. The Teacher may ask students to unmute individually for a one-on-one conversation; this conversation is visible and audible to the whole class.
Chat Panel: Click on the Chat button in the control bar to open the chat window at the bottom of the Participants list. Use the Chat panel to write questions during times when participants are muted. The Moderator will direct questions to the teacher at an appropriate time.
Raise Hand: Next to your name in the Participants panel, you can click the hand icon to raise your hand,
Your teacher will try as much as possible to give students personal feedback during "walk arounds". If you can show the teacher what is happening at your sewing machine on on your work table you will get more effective feedback. Watching the meeting on a cell phone will give you the freedom to move your camera around for the teacher to see what you are doing. A cell phone also lets us switch to front/back camera.